Thursday, August 25, 2005

diet dr pepper

I stroll into work one day to find an unopened diet dr pepper bottle on my desk. Underneath the bottle is a note:

Thought you would enjoy this. Have a good day. –M

Who is M? Who knows I like diet dr pepper? Hell, who knows me at all at work? People I see around the office flash through my mind, but for the life of me I cannot recall one whose name begins with an M. It occurred to me that I shouldn't take a drink from a stranger -- much like what your parents tell you when you are little at Halloween. But lord knows, I've taken more than that from a stranger at a bar without even knowing the first initial of his name. So, I said fuck it and drank it.

A bit later, I get an email from a hotmail account. The sender’s name comes up as “M****** L********” and the address is something random and nondescript. M says he likes my new hair color and hopes I enjoyed the drink. I thank him and ask if I know him.

No, but he has seen me around. Am I interested in lunch sometime? Does it bother me if he is younger than I am?

No, you freak, it bothers me that you know who I am, have access to my office, know my email address, know how old I am, know what I drink, but will not tell me who you are or ask me out like a normal person. I wonder who he is, how he knows how old I am, and if his balls are visible to the naked eye. I vote no considering he actually thought this was an acceptable way to approach a woman. I didn't bother to reply this time. Thanks for playing, but no. I like my men with spines. He may as well have had a friend pass me a note during homeroom:

Do you think M is cute? Circle one: Yes, No or Maybe

1 comment:

  1. yeah, this was around the end of june and july. I was a little behind on my blogging, but i am catching up! No word from him since (whew!).
